April 2019 Booster Meeting Minutes

Republic Tiger Pride Band Boosters

April 1, 2019

7 p.m.

Band Room

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Stephanie Callahan.  She thanked everyone for their attendance and asked if there were additions to the agenda.  There were none.

The minutes from the March 4, 2019 meeting were read and no corrections were requested.

The treasurer’s report was given by Carol Moncado.  No questions were asked.

Altis’ Announcements

  • District Solo and Ensemble Contest was Saturday, March 23 at Glendale.  The students from Republic represented their school and themselves well.  Fourteen students will go to State Contest in April.
  • The Middle School Solo/Ensemble Contest went well.  There was an issue with non-attendance of one of the woodwind judges, so the 8th grade woodwind solos and ensembles performed for parents and all received “I” s.  The 7th grade woodwind solos and ensembles received feedback.  The 8th grade full-band performance in front of judges earned a “I.”
  • There was a concert on March 26 in the gym.  He asked those in attendance if we preferred the gym to the auditorium and the answer was a clear “yes” because the audience can see so much better.  The directors do not like having concerts in the gym due to acoustics.  It will be seen where future concerts will be held.
  • Full band contest is at Willard on Wednesday, April 3.  Symphonic band performs in the morning and will back at school around 11:15 a.m.  The concert band performs in the afternoon and will be back at the high school around 4.  The band is having to rent an additional U-Haul in order to get all of the equipment to and from Willard.
  • The next band fee is due Friday, April 12.  If you have not paid your fees, please do so.  There was a parent question:  When will the March payments clear?  The checks have been given to the RHS office and they are responsible for taking them to the bank.
  • One Fine Night will be Tuesday, May 7.  Mr. Altis will be sending invitations to the 8th grade parents.  At the next meeting, he will have a firm schedule of performance times.
  • Thursday, May 9 will be the final concert of the school year.  It is also awards night, where individual achievements will be recognized.  Those achievements include sophomore patches, letters, bars, etc.
  • District Jazz Band was cancelled for this year.  There just wasn’t a good day for a makeup.
  • Recruitment of fifth graders will result in 130 students in the 6th grade band next year. 
  • He now knows what he is looking for in a box truck.  Doors that open out, low to the ground, quad bi-fold doors.  He is looking at government sites, as well as potato chip and bread companies.
  • The wind blew shingles off the band shed.  A call for volunteers will happen soon.
  • About one third of the band practice field burned due to a model rocket incident.  The field should be good-to-go for summer practices. 

Color Guard/Winter Guard Update

  • Their best performance of the year was at the championships, where they earned seventh place out of their field of ten. 
  • The most recent performance was posted on Facebook today.

Winter Percussion Update

  • They received first place at the championship.  Each student received a medal for their efforts.
  • Parents in attendance commented that it was nice to see their performance at the concert.
  • The video will be posted on Facebook soon.

Middle School

  • There will be a concert in May.  The date is to be determined because directors are still waiting on confirmation from the school for use of the gym.

Committee Reports

  • Food Committee – Carol Moncado
    • Thanks to Subway.  Their box lunches have been well received by the students and are very economical.
    • They will approach Flat Creek about a discount rate on burgers for band camp.
    • Due to the performance schedule at State, it is difficult to find a time to feed all of the students at once.  We will give each student $10 so they can eat on their own.
    • One Fine Night – the committee will work with Barb Houser to determine the amount of food needed.
    • For the Band Celebration Party, we need a head count so we know how much pizza to order.
  • Fund Raising Committee – Greg Mitchell
    • 5K – We will use Act Now to help us establish an annual event.
    • Drive 4 UR School – still waiting to hear from Mr. Beine concerning a fall event.
    • Chick-Fil-A Night Spirit Night – the funds will be used for the marimba.  We will ask the percussion to perform.
    • A request for $3000 was submitted via the Republic Community Grant Application.  We will hear something soon.
  • Social Media – Carol Moncado
    • The band concert videos will be held until after the bands complete at Willard on Wednesday. 
    • She reminded parents that the current Facebook group will be shut down around June 1.  Please join the group for 2019-2020.
  • Parent Handbook – Marcia Wheeler
    • No update.

Old Business

  • The Band Celebration Party will be Saturday, April 6 from noon-3 p.m.  We need a student count and four parent volunteers.
  • Box Truck – was covered in Altis’ Announcements.

New Business

  • Officer Elections will be at the next meeting.  Quite a few have volunteered for a position, but there is always room for more.  A current officer reminded those in attendance that to be a committee chair, you do not have to be an officer, that’s just how it worked out this year. 

The next meeting will by Monday, April 29.  This will serve as the May meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Marcia Wheeler